Dua of Taraweeh Prayer (Read & Download)

Dua of Taraweeh prayer

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What is Taraweeh Prayers?

Assalamu Alaikum brother and sitsters ! Taraweeh prayers are a special form of voluntary prayers that are performed during the Islamic month of Ramadan. 

Muslims perform Taraweeh in congregation in the mosque, but it can also be performed individually at home.

Taraweeh prayers consist of a set number of units of prayer called raka’t, with each raka’t consisting of a set of specific recitations and postures.

The number of raka’t performed during Taraweeh is 8 or 20 raka’t.

During Taraweeh prayers, Muslims recite long portions of the Quran, typically completing the recitation of the entire Quran by the end of Ramadan. 

Importance of Dua in Taraweeh prayers

Dua  is a crucial component of Taraweeh prayers and is highly valued in Islamic tradition.

Muslims might thank Allah, beg for His forgiveness, and pray for His blessings and direction during this time.

Muslims can deepen their relationship with Allah by making Dua, which enables them to communicate with Him personally.

Long passages of the Quran, which frequently contain the supplications and petitions of the prophets and good people of the past, are recited by Muslims during Taraweeh prayers.

These du’as serve as a reminder of the value of asking Allah for assistance in all spheres of life.

What is Dua of Taraweeh?

The Dua  is a collection of several supplications and adorations to Allah (God), asking for His kindness, guidance, and benefits.

It frequently contains specific requests for Help in a variety of areas of life, including family, health, wealth, and faith.

The Dua of Taraweeh is repeated during Taraweeh prayers by worshipers individually as well as by the Imam  in the mosque. 

Here’s the Taraweeh ki dua.

Dua Of Taraweeh In Arabic

Taraweeh Ki Dua In Arabic, Taraweeh Ki Dua In Urdu

Dua of Taraweeh In English

Taraweeh ki dua in English

Benefits of reciting Dua of Taraweeh

Reciting the Dua of Taraweeh during the Prayer of taraweeh  carries a lot of benefits for Muslims. 

Some of the benefits of reciting Dua of Taraweeh are:

  1. Increased rewards
  2. Connecting With Allah
  3. Social Benefits
  4. Psychological Benefits
  5. Spiritual Benefits
1 :- Increased Rewards

Muslims believe that reciting Dua during taraweeh prayers can lead to greater acceptance of their supplications and an increased closeness to Allah.

2:- Connecting with Allah

Reciting the Dua  is a form of connecting with Allah, which is one of the most  essential aspects of Islamic worship. It helps the believer to focus on Allah’s greatness, mercy and strengthens their faith.

3:- Social Benefits

Muslims feel more a part of a community and more united when they perform Taraweeh prayers and recite the Taraweeh Dua.

It helps to strengthen ties with family, friends, and other Muslims in the neighborhood.

4;- Psychological Benefits

The act of Dua and asking Allah for help during the Taraweeh can relieve stress and anxiety.

It helps Muslims to cope with their problems and find solutions, as they trust in Allah’s power to answer their prayers.

5:- Spiritual Benefits

The Dua helps to increase spiritual awareness and strengthen the connection with Allah. It helps the believer to focus on the essence of the prayer and its meaning.

How to recite Dua of Taraweeh?

The Dua  is recited during the Taraweeh prayers in the month of Ramadan.

It is recited after completing every four raka’ts of Taraweeh prayer. The recitation of Dua can be done in Arabic or the worshipper’s native language.

Here is a general guide on how to recite Dua of Taraweeh:

  1. Start by raising your hands to shoulder level.

  2. and Recite the full Dua of Taraweeh.

It is important to note that the Dua  can be recited in different ways, and there are variations among different Islamic scholar of thought.

However, the above guide provides a general idea of how to recite the Dua.

Dua Of Taraweeh Prayer Video


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Assalamu Alaikum ! I'm a professional islamic blogger since 2020. I Covered different topics like Lyrics, Dua, Surah & More. For More Info Visit Islamwala.Govandi, Maharashtra, India 400043

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