Qasida Ghousia In Urdu, Hindi & English 2024

Qasida Ghousia, Qasida Ghousia Lyrics,

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Assalamu Alaikum Nazreen ! Qasida Ghousia ek mashhoor aur muqaddas nazm hai jo Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) ki tareef mein kahi gayi hai.

Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani, jo ke Ghous-e-Azam ke laqab se mashhoor hain, Islam ke ek azeem buzurg hain.

Unka darja aur maqam musalmanon mein bohot buland hai, aur unki zikr aur tareef mein kai qasidat aur nazmein likhi gayi hain.

Qasida Ghousia Lyrics  bhi unmein se ek hai, jo Hazrat Ghous-e-Azam ki tareef aur unki fazail ko bayan karti hai.

Qasida Ghausia In English

Saqaanil Hubbu Kasaatil Wisaali
Faqultu Likhamrati Nahwi Ta Aali

Sa’at Wamashat Linahwi Fi Ku’oosin
Fahimtu Bisukrati Baynal Mawaali

Faqultu Lisaa’iril Aqtaabi Lummu
Bihaali Wad Khulu Antum Rijaali

Wahummu Washrabu Antum Junudi
Fasaaqil Qawmi Bil Waafi Malaali

Sharibtum Fudlati Mim Ba’di Sukri
Wala Niltum Uloowi Wat Tisaali

Makaamukumul U’la Jam’aw Wala Kin
Maqaami Fawqakum Ma Zaa La Aa’li

Ana Fi Hazratit Taqreebi Wahdi
Yusarifuni Wahasbi Zul Jalaali

Anal Baaziyu Ashhabu Kulli Shaykin
Waman Zaa Fir Rijaali U’tiya Misaali

Kasaani Khilatan Bitiraazi Azmin
Wa Tawwajani Bitijaanil Kamaali

Wa’atla Ani Alaa Sirrin Qadeemin
Waqalladani Wa A’taani Su’aali

Wa Walaani Alal Aqtaabi Jam’an
Fahukmi Naafizin Fi Kulli Haali

Walow Alqaytu Sirri Fi Bihaarin
Lasaaral Kullu Ghawran Fis Zawaali

Walow Alqaytu Sirri Fi Jibaalin
Ladukkat Wakhtafat Baynar Rimaali

Walow Alqaytu Sirri Fawqa Naarin
Lakhamidat Wantafat Min Sirri Haali

Walow Alqaytu Sirri Fawqa Maytin
Laqaama Biqudratil Mawla Ta’aali

Wamaa Minha Shuhurun Aw Thuhuurun
Tamurru Watanqadi Illa Ataali

Watukhbiruni Bimaa Ya’ti Wa Yajri
Watu’limuni Fa’aqsir An Jidaali

Mureedi Him Watib Washtah Waganni
Wa’if’al Ma Tashaa’u Falismu Aali

Mureedi La Takhaf Allahu Rabbi
Ataani Rifatan Niltul Manaali

Tubu Li Fis Samaa’i Walardi Tuqqat
Washaa’oosus Sa’aadati Qad Badaali

Bilaadul Laahi Mulki Tahta Hukmi
Wa Waqti Qabla Qalbi Qad Safaali

Nazartu Ilaa Bilaadil Laahi Jam’an
Kakhardalatin Alaa Hukmit Tisaali

Darastul Ilma Hatta Sirtu Qutban
Waniltus Sa’da Mim Mawlal Mawaali

Faman Fi Awliyaa’il Laahi Misli
Waman Fil Ilmi Wat Tasrifi Haali

Rijaali Fi Hawa Jirihim Siyaamun
Wafi Zulamil Layaali Kal La Aali

Wakullu Waliyin Lahu Qadamun Wa Inni
Alaa Qadamin Nabbiyi Badril Kamaali

Mureedi La Takhaf Wa’ Shin Fa Inni
Azoomun Qaatilun Indal Qitaali

Anal Jeeliyu Muhayudeeni Laqaabi
Wa’alaami Alaa Ra’sil Jibaali

Anal Hasaniyu Wal Mukhda’ Maqaami
Wa’aqdaami Alaa Unuqir Rijaali

Wa Abdul Qaadiril Mashooru Ismi
Wa Jaddi Saahibul Aynil Kamaali

Qasida Ghausia Lyrics In English

Qaseeda Ghoousia Traanslation & Meaning

Cups of union Beloved gave me to drink
So I told my “Wine”, Advance towards me.

Then it moved and walked to me in cups
In my intoxication, I understood the friends in my midst.

I said to all the Polar-Stars, Come and enter my State
And become my Companion.

Be courageous and drink, you are my arm
Because the Cup-Bearer of the Fraternity has filled my cup to the full.

And you sipped from my cup, what I left after my deep “intoxication”
But you neither attained my height nor my Union.

All your stations are high
But mine is higher ever.

I am singularly near to Him
The Mighty One who changes my state and suffices.

I am a White Falcon of every Mystic
“Who is there among the Saints, so gifted as me?”

He enrobed me with determination embroidered,
And he crowned me with the Crown of Perfection.

Unto me He revealed the Ancient Secrets
He adopted me and granted my request.

And He made me a Filter over all the Polar-Stars
So my Orders are effective under all circumstances.

Had I thrown my secret into the ocean
They would have at once dried up.

Had I thrown my secret over mountains
They would have become pulverized.

Had I thrown my secret into fire
It would have been at once extinguished by the secret of my mystic state.

Had I thrown my secret over the dead
He would have stood up with the power of Exalted God.

There are no months or ages
Which flow but with my knowledge.

And they acquaint me with the present and the future, and they give me information
And so, will you terminate your wrangles with me.

Be courageous my disciple, be cheerful and sing, in ecstasy
And act without restraint, for His name is Exalted.

Do not be frightened, my disciple, Allah is my Sustainer
He has granted me the status through which I have attained high eminence.

My drums have been beaten in the heavens and earth,
And I have been given the rank of Good-Luck.

The Empire of Allah is under my command
And my time has been purified before my birth.

I cast a glance at the entire Empire of Allah
It is like a mustard seed alongside my sovereignty.

I acquired knowledge till I became a Polar-Star
And I attained Good Luck through the Great Lord.

They are companions remorseful like those who fast
And are like pearls in the darkness of the nights.

Each Saint has a station
And I follow in the footsteps of the Holy Prophet, the Full Moon of Perfection.

He is a prophet belonging to the family of Hashim and to Mecca and Hijaz
He is my ancestor, I achieve my objects through him.

Do not be frightened, my disciple, of a Slanderer
For I am a determined combatant in banie.

I am Al Jilani, my name is Muhiyuddin
And my banners fly on mountain tops.

I am Hassani and my abode is my cell
And my feet are on the neck of each Saint.

ABDUL QAADIR is my famous name
And my ancestor is one possessed of an insight Perfect.

Qasida Ghausia In Arabic With Meaning

Qasida Ghousia Lyrics 1
Cups of Union the Beloved gave me to drink; so I told my “Wine”, advance towards me.
Qasida Ghousia Lyrics In Arabic 2
Then it moved and walked to me in cups; “In my intoxication”. I understood the Friends in my midst.
Qasida Ghousia Lyrics In English 3
I said to all the Polar-Stars, Come and enter my State. And become my Companions
Qasida Ghousia Lyrics In English 4
Be courageous and drink, you are my army, because the Cup-Bearer of the Fraternity has filled my cup to the full.
Qasidah Gausiya 5
And you sipped from my cup, what I left after my deep “intoxication”,but you neither attained my height nor my Union
Qasida Ghousia 6
All your stations are high, But mine is higher ever.
Qasida Ghousia 7
I am singularly near to Him, The Mighty One who changes my state and suffices.
Qasida Ghousia 8
I am a white Falcon of every Mystic. “Who is there among the Saints, so gifted as me?”
Qasida Ghousia 9
He enrobed me with determination embroidered, And He crowned me with the Crown of Perfection.
Qasida Ghousia 10
Unto me He revealed the Ancient secrets. He adopted me and granted my request.
Qasida Ghousia 11
And He made me a Ruler over all the Polar-Stars. So my Orders are effective under all circumstances.
Qasida Ghousia 12
Had I thrown my secret into the oceans, they would have at once dried up.
Qasida Ghousia 13
Had I thrown my secret over, mountains, they would have been pulverized.
Qasida Ghousia Lyrics 14
Had I thrown my secret into fire, it would have been at once extinguished by the secret of my mystic state.
Qasida Ghousia Lyrics 15
Had I thrown my secret over the dead, He would have stood up with the power of exalted God.
Qasida Ghousia Lyrics 16
There are no months or ages, which flow but with my knowledge.
Qasida Ghousia Lyrics 17
And they acquaint me with the present and the future, and they give me information, and so, will you terminate your wrangles with me.
Qasida Ghousia Lyrics 18
Be courageous my disciple, be cheerful and sing, in ecstasy and act without restraint, for his name is exalted.
Qasida Ghousia Lyrics 19
Do not be frightened, my disciple, Allah is my Sustainer he has granted me the status through which I have attained high eminence.
Qasida Ghousia Lyrics 20
My drums have been beaten in the heavens and earth, and I have been given the rank of Good Luck. The empire of Allah is under my Command, and my time has been purified before birth.
Qasida Ghousia Lyrics 21
The empire of Allah is under my Command, and my time has been purified before birth.
Qasida Ghousia Lyrics 22
I cast a glance at the entire Empire of Allah, It is like a mustard seed alongside my sovereignty
Qasida Ghousia Lyrics 23
Each Saint has a station, and I follow in the footsteps of the Prophet the Full Moon of Perfection.
Qasida Ghousia Lyrics 24
I am Al Jilani; my name is Muhiyuddin, and my banners flutter on mountaintops.
Qasida Ghousia Lyrics 25
I am Al Jilani; my name is Muhiyuddin, and my banners flutter on mountaintops.
Qasida Ghousia Lyrics 26
I am Hassani and my abode is my cell, and my feet are on the neck of each Saint.
Qasida Ghousia 27
Abdul Qadir is my famous name, and my ancestor is one possessed of an insight perfect.

Qasida Ghausia Lyrics In Hindi

सक़ानिल हुब्बु कसातिल विसाली
फक़ुल्तु लिकहमरती नह्वी ता आली

स’आत वामशात लिनह्वी फी कू’ऊसिन
फहिम्तु बिसुक्रती बैनल मवाली

फक़ुल्तु लिसा’इरिल अक्ताबी लुम्मू
बिहाली वद ख़ुलू अन्तुम रिजाली

वहुम्मु वशरबू अन्तुम जुनूदी
फसाकिल कौमी बिल वाफी मलाली

शरिब्तुम फुदलती मिम बा’दी सुक्री
वला निल्तुम उ’लूवी वत्तिसाली

मक़ामुकुमुल उ’ला जम’अव वला किन
मक़ामी फव्क़कुम मा ज़ा ला आ’ली

अना फी हज़्रतित तक़रीबी वह्दी
युसरिफुनी वहस्बी ज़ुल जलाली

अनल बाजियु अश्हबु कुल्ली शैकिन
वमन ज़ा फिर रिजाली उ’तिया मिसाली

कसानी खिलतन बितिराज़ी अजमिन
वा तव्वजनि बितीजानिल कमाली

वा’तला अनी अला सिर्रिन क़दीमिन
वक़ल्लदनी वा आ’तानी सु’आली

वा वलानी अलल अक्ताबी जम’अन
फहुक्मी नाफ़िज़िन फी कुल्ली हाली

वलव अलक़ैतु सिर्री फी बिहारिन
लसारल कुल्लु ग़ौरन फिस ज़वाली

वलव अलक़ैतु सिर्री फी जिबालिन
लदुक्कत वख़्तफ़त बैनर रिमाली

वलव अलक़ैतु सिर्री फव्का नारिन
लख़ामिदत वन्तफत मिन सिर्री हाली

वलव अलक़ैतु सिर्री फव्का मैय्यितिन
लक़ामा बिक़ुद्रतिल मौला त’आली

वमा मिनहा शुहूरुन औ ज़ुहूरुन
तमुर्रु वतनक़दि इल्ला अताली

वतुख़बिरुनी बिमा या’ती वा यज्री
वतु’लिमुनी फा’क्सिर अन जिदाली

मुरीदी हिम वतिब वश्तह वगन्नी
वा’इफ़’अल मा तशा’उ फलिस्मु आली

मुरीदी ला तख़फ़ अल्लाहु रब्बी
अतानी रिफअतन निल्तुल मना’ली

तुबु ली फिस समा’इ वलअर्दि तुक़्क़त
वशा’उस स’आदति क़द बदाली

बिलादुल्लाही मुल्की तह्ता हुक्मी
वा वक़्ती क़ब्ला क़ल्बी क़द सफ़ा ली

नज़र्तु इला बिलादिल्लाही जम’अन
कख़रदलतिन अला हुक्मित तिसाली

दरस्तुल इल्मा हत्ता सित्रु क़ुत्बन
वनिल्तुस स’अदा मिम मौलाल मवाली

फमन फी औलिया’इल्लाही मिसली
वमन फिल इल्मी वत्तस्रीफि हाली

रिजाली फी हवाजीरीहिम सियामुन
वफी ज़ुलमिल लयाली कल लआली

वकुल्लु वलिय्यिन लहु क़दमुन वा इन्नी
अला क़दमन नब्बिय्यी बद्रिल कमाली

मुरीदी ला तख़फ़ वा शिन फा इन्नी
अज़ूमुन कातिलुन इन्दल किताली

अनल जीलियु मुहैयुद्दीनि लक़ाबी
वा’अलामी अला रअसिल जिबाली

अनल हसनियु वल मुख्दा’ मक़ामी
वा’क़दामी अला उनुकिर रिजाली

वा अब्दुल क़ादिरिल मशहूरु इस्मी
वा जद्दी साहिबुल ऐनिल कमाली

Qasida Ghausia Lyrics In Hindi

Qasida Ghousia Ki Fazilat

  • Qasida Ghousia ki tilawat se roohani sukoon aur barakat milti hai. Yeh dil aur dimaag ko tasalli deti hai aur insaan ke roohani halaat ko behtar karti hai.
  • Is qasida ko parhne se dushmanon aur buri taqaton se hifazat hoti hai. Musalman isko parhkar apne dushmanon se panah maangte hain.
  • Qasida Ghousia ki tilawat se duaon ki qabooliyat barh jati hai. Hazrat Ghous-e-Azam ke wasile se Allah se apni hajat maangi ja sakti hai.
  • Qasida Ghousia ki tilawat se insaan ki roohani taraqqi hoti hai. Yeh qasida insaan ko Allah ke kareeb karti hai aur unki imaan ko mazid mazboot banati hai.
  • Jo log kisi mushkil mein hote hain, wo is qasida ko parhkar apni mushkilat ka hal pa sakte hain. Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jilani ke wasile se Allah unki madad karta hai.

Qasida Ghousia Parhne Ka Tareeqa

  1. Qasida Ghousia ko parhne se pehle taharat aur wudu karna zaroori hai. Yeh adab aur ehtram ka taqaza hai.
  2. Qasida ko tasbeeh ke sath parhna chahiye aur poora dhyan Allah aur Hazrat Ghous-e-Azam ki taraf rakha jaye.
  3. Behtareen waqt raat ka hai, jab aap qasida ko sakoon aur chain ke sath parh sakte hain jaise ki tahajjud ke waqt.
  4. Parhne se pehle apni niyat ko saaf rakhein aur ikhlaas ke sath Allah (SWT) Ka Zikr kare aur bahoot sare durood Rasoolallah(SAW) Par bheje iske baad padhna shuru kare.

Qasida Ghousia PDF

Qasida Ghousia Complete With Lyrics


Qasida Ghousia ek azeem roohani nazm hai jo Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) ki tareef mein kahi gayi hai.

Is qasida ki tilawat se na sirf roohani sukoon milta hai balki Allah ke kareeb hone ka ehsaas bhi hota hai.

Musalman isko parhkar apni mushkilat ka hal pa sakte hain aur Allah se apni hajat maang sakte hain.

Hazrat Ghous-e-Azam ka wasila le kar ki gayi duaon ko Allah qabool karta hai. Qasida Ghousia ki tilawat se imaan mazid mazboot hota hai aur roohani taraqqi hoti hai.

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