What Is Kunde Ki Niyaz (Full Guide) 2024

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“Assalamu Alaikum, dear viewers! Among Muslims, there has been a tradition for some time now to offer Fatiha on the 22nd of Rajab in remembrance of Hazrat Imam Zafar E Sadiq (RA), which is commonly known as ‘Kunde Ki Niyaz.’ It is essential to understand two key aspects here:

1. Who is Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq (R.A)?
2. Reality of Kunde Ki Niyaz.

In this article, we will explore the reality of Kunde Ki Niyaz, the method of observing Kunde Ki Niyaz, and when Kunde Ki Niyaz takes place.”

Who is Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq (R.A)?

Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq and Hazrat Imam Muhammad bin Baqar (may Allah be pleased with them) are esteemed descendants of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Their blessed name is Jafar, with titles Abu Abdullah and Abu Ismail, and they are known by the epithets Saadiq, Faazil, and Taahir.

Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq was born in the sacred month of Rabi ul Awwal during the reign of Abdul Malik bin Marwan in Medina Sharif. He passed away during the reign of Abu Jafar Mansoor Ibneul-Abbas Asaffah. His blessed tomb is situated in Medina Sharif.

Furthermore, it is important to note that Hazrat Zafar Sadiq (RA) belongs to the Ahle Bait (the family of the Prophet Muhammad) community.

Reality of Kunde Ki Niyaz

Arranging the ‘niyaz’ (a ritualistic offering) is a significant aspect, and it’s crucial to understand how it is conducted and what it involves. Some people argue that celebrating Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq on the 22nd of Rajab lacks historical evidence regarding his birth or demise dates. Therefore, they believe it’s inappropriate to offer ‘Fatiha’ (prayers) on such occasions. However, followers of the Ahl-e-Bait continue to honor these events on fixed dates, offering prayers and reciting Fatiha.

Even though there’s no recorded birth or demise date for Imam Jafar Sadiq on the 22nd of Rajab, it’s worth noting that Muslims commemorate the Urs (death anniversary) of Sayyidna Sarkar Ghouse Aazam on the 11th of Rabi-ul-Awwal, despite the absence of specific dates. Therefore, Muslims observe the practice of offering ‘niyaz’ on the 11th of Rabi-ul-Awwal.

If Muslims choose to observe the niyaz of Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq on the 22nd of Rajab, they should be allowed to do so without any objection or condemnation. Offering prayers and reciting Fatiha at such gatherings, where food is typically distributed among attendees, is a virtuous act. Scholars advise that by commemorating the Urs of Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq, many impending calamities can be averted, and they pray that Allah fulfills everyone’s legitimate desires through the intercession of Imam Jafar Sadiq.

In the Indian subcontinent, including India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, the 22nd of Rajab holds significance as “Kunde ki Niyaz” or “Kunde ki Eid.”

Now, let’s delve into its religious significance.

In reality, there isn’t a solid foundation for Kunde ki Eid in Sharia law. It’s believed that this day is dedicated to prayers and offerings in remembrance or honor of Imam Jafar Sadiq (may Allah be pleased with him).

Let’s explore the truth behind it and whether Kunde ki Eid is mentioned in Islamic Sharia.

On the 22nd of Rajab, news arrived that a person had passed away. Abdullah ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) was having his meal when his servant brought the news. Upon hearing it, he stopped eating and rose from his seat.

The news was about the passing of Amir Muawiyah (may Allah be pleased with him), the companion of the Prophet. Amir Muawiyah stood firm against the hypocrites and Kharijites during his lifetime. Under his rule, their influence was diminished, and their hypocritical actions were countered.

However, upon Amir Muawiyah’s demise, the hypocrites and Kharijites felt jubilant, seeing it as an opportunity for celebration. Yet, they knew they couldn’t openly express their joy, fearing repercussions from the government.

Therefore, they decided to celebrate discreetly. They gathered secretly, brought provisions quietly, maintained secrecy, prepared sweets in clay pots, consumed them, cleaned up surreptitiously, and buried any leftovers in secrecy, ensuring that their celebration remained hidden from the wider Muslim community outside.

What Is Kunde Ki Niyaz?

Among Muslims, there has been a tradition for some time now to offer Fatiha on the 22nd of Rajab in remembrance of Hazrat Imam Zafar E Sadiq (RA), which is commonly known as ‘Kunde Ki Niyaz.’

Is Kundon ki Niyaz Permitted in Islam?

“Without a doubt, offering Fateha for Imam Jafar Sadiq Rahmatullahi Alai is permissible in the sacred month of Rajab.

The Khalifa of Alahazrat, Hazrat Sadr us Sharia RA, wrote:

“During the month of Rajab, Koonde (a traditional sweet dish) filled with rice are distributed, and Fateha is arranged for the sake of sending blessings to Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq RA. This practice is deemed permissible” (Bahar e Shariat).”

Is it celebrated on 22nd Rajab or 15th Rajab?

Although the passing of Imam Ja’far Saadiq Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhu is commemorated on the 15th of Rajab, Sunnis observe a Niyaz (Fateha) in his honor on the 22nd of Rajab. It’s important to note that there’s no objection to this practice or any other commemorations of the Beloveds.

Furthermore, scholars have mentioned that the 22nd of Rajab also marks the passing of Sahabi e Rasool, Hazrat Sayyiduna Amir Mu’awiyah Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhu, and some Shia communities celebrate this occasion.

Our scholars advise that when observing the Niyaz of Imam Ja’far Saadiq Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhu on this day, it’s also appropriate to include the Fateha for Hazrat Sayyiduna Amir Mu’awiyah Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhu. This is because Imam Ja’far Saadiq initially recommended this practice to honor Hazrat Amir Mu’awiyah Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhu.

How is Niyaz of Imam Ja’far Saadiq celebrated?

Regarding the tradition of Niyaz for Imam Ja’far Saadiq, Huzoor Sayyidi Sadrush Shariah explains that in the month of Rajab, some people prepare rice or kheer in earthen bowls, offer Faateha over it, and distribute it. This practice is permissible. However, insisting that it must only be eaten in one place is not acceptable. Educated individuals do not endorse such limitations.

Similarly, during Rajab, some fill earthen bowls with purees for Imam Ja’far Saadiq’s Esaal-e-Thawaab (also known as Kheer Puri). This practice is also allowed. However, some impose unnecessary restrictions, which should be avoided. Reading ‘Dastaan-e-Ajeeb’ during this time is not recommended as it lacks authenticity.

Therefore, conducting this Niyaz on the 22nd of Rajab or any other day is completely acceptable, as long as it aligns with the true teachings of Shariah.

It’s crucial to remember that slandering any Sahabi of the Prophet leads to damnation. Aala Hazrat Imam Ahle Sunnat emphasizes that those who slander Hazrat Amir Mu’awiyah are condemned.

Hazrat Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Mubaarak, when asked about the superiority between Hazrat Amir Mu’awiyah and Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz, expressed that no non-Sahabi can surpass a Sahabi. However, he highlighted the valor of Hazrat Amir Mu’awiyah, emphasizing that even the dust stirred by his horse during battles with the Prophet is esteemed.

Source Of Knowledge:
Book Name: Sayyiduna Imam Ja’far Saadiq
Compiler: Muhammad Afthab Cassim Qaadiri Razvi Noori

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Some Proof From The Holy Quran

The significance of this verse is profound. Prophet Ibrahim’s (peace be upon him) supplication encompasses all believers, from the earliest generations preceding him to the latest generations yet to come. Alhamdulillah! This prayer is commonly recited during the final sitting (Qa’dah) of our prayers. 

Source :- Surah Ibrahim 14:41

This verse indicates that children will enter Paradise based on the righteousness of their parents. Source-(Surah Toor 21)

Please consider that numerous verses from the Holy Qur’an emphasize the importance of prayer, which encompasses all Muslim brothers and sisters, whether they are living, deceased, or yet to be born.

It’s important to reflect on the fact that these verses are integral parts of the Holy Qur’an, recited millions of times daily across the globe in regular recitations, as well as during Qirat within Salaat, and also in the supplication during the final sitting (Qaadah) of Salaat.

Some Proof From The Hadith

Kunde Ki Niyaz Video


The meaning of Kunde is Nazar (Arabic) / Niyaz (Persian) / Mannat (Urdu).

Kunde Ki Niyaz is a traditional Islamic practice where food, usually rice pudding (kheer) and bread (puri), is prepared and distributed among people in remembrance of a deceased person, often a religious figure or a loved one.

There is no explicit mention of Kunde Ki Niyaz in Islamic scriptures. However, the act of charity, remembrance, and sharing food with others is encouraged in Islam.

Kunde Ki Niyaz is not obligatory in Islam. It is a voluntary act of charity and remembrance.

Kunde Ki Niyaz is believed to be a means of seeking blessings for the deceased and asking for forgiveness for their sins. It also promotes the spirit of charity and community sharing.

No, There is no specific day designated for Kunde Ki Niyaz. It can be performed at any time as a voluntary act of charity and remembrance.

There are no specific restrictions on the type of food served in Kunde Ki Niyaz. However, it is recommended to serve simple and wholesome food that can be easily shared among the community.

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Assalamu Alaikum ! I'm a professional islamic blogger since 2020. I Covered different topics like Lyrics, Dua, Surah & More. For More Info Visit Islamwala.

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