Ya Adheeman Lyrics In English & Arabic/Urdu (Read & Download)

Ya Adheeman Lyrics
Nasheed Ya Adheeman
Reciter Ahmed Bukhatir
Video By Ahmed Bukhatir

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Assalamu Alaikum Nazreen ! “Ya Adheeman Lyrics” refers to a popular Arabic Nasheed that is commonly sung as a form of praise and devotion. 

The phrase “Ya Adheeman” means “Oh Magnificent One” in English, and the lyrics of the Nasheed express the singer’s admiration and reverence for God’s greatness and power.

Ya adheeman lyrics In English

Ashraqat nafsi bi noorin min fuaadi
Hinama radattu ya rabbal ibaadi

Wantashat ruhi wasara dam’a yajri
Ya ilahi khuz bi qalbi lirrashadi

Fi sukoon il ili ad’oo fis sujoodi
Waddoo jahouli sawaadun fis sawaadi

Ya Raoofun, Ya Raheeman, Ya Haleeman
Ya Kareeman, Malilfadhlika min nafaadi

Ya Samee’an, Ya Mujeeban, Ya Adheeman
Ihdini Ya Khaliqas Saba Ashshidadi

Ashraqat nafsi bi noorin min fuaadi
Hinama radattu ya rabbal ibaadi

Wantashat ruhi wasara dam’a yajri
Ya ilahi khuz bi qalbi lirrashadi

Lil huda walhaqi wa fuiqni ilahi
Fa’ala tawfiqikal yauma i’timaadi

Ya ilaahalkouni, Ya Aouni, Ya Ghauthi
Ya Maalaazal khalqi fi yaumil ma’aadi

Fahaana Ya Rabbi Arjoo minka a’foowa
Faa’fu A’n Zanbi wa haqiqli muraadi

Ashraqat nafsi bi noorin min fuaadi
Hinama radattu ya rabbal ibaadi

Wantashat ruhi wasara damu yajri
Ya ilahi khuz bi qalbi lirrashadi

Ya adheeman lyrics In English

Ya adheeman lyrics with English Translation

My soul is brightened by a light in my heart
When I praised God of mankind
And my soul is cheered up and the tears were flowing
Oh God! guide my heart to reason
In the tranquility of the night I pray during worshiping
While the black darkness is all around me
Oh Kind! Oh Most Merciful! Oh Most Forbearing!
Oh Kind! Your gifts are endless Oh All-Hearing! Oh Answerer! Oh Most Magnificent!
Oh Creator of the strong predatory animals! Guide me
Guide me to truth, God
I depend on your guidance today
Oh God of the universe! You are my aid
You are the refuge of man in the afterworld
Here I am God, asking your forgiveness
Forgive me and grant me my wish……………………….
Ya adheeman lyrics with English Translation

Ya adheeman lyrics In Arabic/Urdu

أشرقت نفسي بنورٍ من فؤادي
حينما رددت يا رب العبادِ
وانتشت روحي وصار الدمع يجري
يا إلهي خذ بقلبي للرشادِ
في سكون الليل أدعو في سجودي
والدجى حولي سوادٌ في سوادِ
يا رؤوفاً يا رحيماً يا حليماً !
يا كريماً ، ما لفضلك من نفادِ
يا سميعاً يا مجيباً يا عظيما
اهدني يا خالق السبع الشدادِ
أشرقت نفسي بنورٍ من فؤادي
حينما رددت يا رب العبادِ
وانتشت روحي وصار الدمع يجري
يا إلهي خذ بقلبي للرشادِ
للهدى والحق وفقني إلهي
فعلى توفيقك اليوم اعتمادي
يا إله الكون يا عوني وغوثي
يا ملاذ الخلق في يوم المعادِ
فهاأنا يا ربي أرجو منك عفوا
فاعفو عن ذنبي وحقق لي مرادي
أشرقت نفسي بنورٍ من فؤادي
حينما رددت يا رب العبادِ
وانتشت روحي وصار الدمع يجري
يا إلهي خذ بقلبي للرشادِ
Ya adheeman lyrics In Arabic/Urdu

Ya Asheeman Lyrics Video

ya adheeman mp3 download

Ashraqat nafsi mp3 download


The Arabic word "عظيماً" (pronounced "a'zheeman") translates to "greatly" or "exceedingly" in English.

The phrase "أشرقت نفسي" (pronounced "Ashraqat nafsi") is Arabic and can be translated to English as "my soul brightened" or "my spirit shone".

The phrase "يا نفسي" (pronounced "ya nafsi") is Arabic and can be translated to English as "Oh my soul" or "Oh myself".

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